Results for 'Bartolo da Sassoferrato'

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  1.  7
    Trattati politici: sulla tirannide, sulle costituzioni politiche, sui partiti.Bartolo da Sassoferrato - 2019 - Foligno (PG): Il formichiere. Edited by Bartolo & Dario Razzi.
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  2. Was bartolo da sassoferrato a source for Christine de pizan?Julius Kirshner - 2012 - Mediaeval Studies 74:263-282.
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    A Grammar Of Signs: Bartolo Da Sassoferrato's “tract On Insignia And Coats Of Arms,”. [REVIEW]Thomas Izbicki - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):465-467.
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  4. Legittimità, legittimazione e resistenza nella teoria politica medioevale: Bartolo da Sassoferrato e Coluccio Salutati.Falchi Pellegrini & Maria Antonietta - 1981 - Genova: ECIG.
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    Diego Quaglioni, Politica e diritto nel trecento italiano: Il “De tyranno” di Bartolo da Sassoferrato , con l'edizione critica dei trattati “De Guelphis et Gebellinis,” “De regimine civitatis” e “De tyranno.” Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1983. Paper. Pp. 257. [REVIEW]Karl H. van D'Elden - 1985 - Speculum 60 (3):751-752.
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    La testimonianza per sentito dire: percorso di una prova anomala fra credulitas, veritas e necessitas.Alessandra Bassani - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:241-267.
    La testimonianza per sentito dire, nonostante la sua evidente inadeguatezza a fornire conoscenze certe sui fatti avvenuti, viene utilizzata nei processi penali fin dall’Alto Medioevo. Il saggio ripercorre la riflessione della scienza giuridica medievale, in particolare di Bartolo da Sassoferrato, sulla formazione del convincimento del Giudice, per offrire un contributo alla comprensione dei motivi dell’utilizzo di questo anomalo strumento di prova anche nel processo penale contemporaneo. _Hearsay evidence, despite its evident inadequacy to provide certain knowledge about the events (...)
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  7. The Philosophy of Logic of Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.Newton da Costa, José Carlos Cifuentes & Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre - 2020 - South American Journal of Logic 6 (2):189-208.
    In this historical article, Newton da Costa discusses Francisco Miró Quesada’s philosophical ideas about logic. He discusses the topics of reason, logic, and action in Miró Quesada’s work, and in the final section he offers his critical view. In particular, he disagrees with Miró Quesada’s stance on the historicity of reason, for whom “reason is essentially absolute”, whereas for da Costa it “is being constructed in the course of history”. Da Costa concludes by emphasizing the importance of Miró Quesada’s theory (...)
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    Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire.Cristina Queirós, Fernando Passos, Ana Bártolo, António José Marques, Carlos Fernandes da Silva & Anabela Pereira - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has demonstrated that policing is a stressful occupation and has a negative impact on police officers’ mental and physical health, performance, and interactions with citizens. Mental health at the workplace has become a concern due to the costs of depression, anxiety, burnout, and even suicide, which is high among police officers.To ameliorate occupational health, it is crucial therefore to identify stress and burnout levels on a regular basis. However, the instruments frequently used to measure stress have not valorized the (...)
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    Bartolo of Sassoferrato’s De tyranno and Sallustio Buonguglielmi’s Consilium on Niccolò Fortebracci’s Tyranny in Città di Castello.Julius Kirshner - 2006 - Mediaeval Studies 68:303-331.
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    In Praise of Italy: The Italian Republics.John Hine Mundy - 1989 - Speculum 64 (4):815-834.
    This article contains an implicit comparison of the institutions and thought of the Italian city republics in the period from about 1150 to 1350 with medieval and early-modern monarchies and oligarchical republics, the latter being exemplified here by a passage from Bartolo of Sassoferrato. The grammarians, notaries, and jurists treated here are representative of the secular or lay professionalism that first emerged on a large scale in these republics. To these have been added occasional clerks who show the (...)
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  11. Kagan, V., Nerode, A. and Subrahmanian, VS., Computing definite logic.M. A. da ArchangelskyTaitslin, S. Artemov, F. A. Bluerle, J. B. Remmel, R. Harper, D. Sannella & A. Tarlecki - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67:349.
  12. DENIS, Leon Educação Vegana: Perspectivas no Ensino de Direitos Animais. São Paulo: FiloCzar, 2017.Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (3):637-642.
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  13. Maternidade, prisão e direitos humanos.Anália da Silva Barbosa E. Marina Amoedo da Costa - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto (eds.), Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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  14. Beliefs in Action: Economic Philosophy and Social Change.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the role of economic philosophy in the processes of belief-formation and social change. Its aim is to further our understanding of the behaviour of the individual economic agent by bringing to light and examining the function of non-rational dispositions and motivations in the determination of the agent's beliefs and goals. Drawing on the work of David Hume and Adam Smith the book spells out the particular ways in which the passions come to affect our ordinary (...)
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    Autonomia e Liberdade Em Tempos de Vida Administrada.Divino José da Silva - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:64-86.
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    A interpretação de Benveniste sobre as Categorias de Aristóteles.Flávia Santos da Silva & Marcio Chaves-Tannús - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):1033-1054.
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    Free editors and peers: squeezing the lemon dry.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Vedran Katavić - 2016 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 6 (3-4).
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    Subject differences in exponents of psychophysical power functions for inferred, remembered, and perceived area.José Aparecido Da Silva, Suzi Lippi Marques & Erasmo Miessa Ruiz - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):191-194.
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  19. A Formação Moral na Filosofia de Rawls.Sidney Reinaldo da Silva - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (1):p - 79.
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    On the nature of the proposition.Jairo da Silva - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):141-146.
    I present here my criticism of Chateaubriand’s account of propositions as having an identifying character with respect to reality. I claim that propositions are better understood as pictures of possible states-of-affairs, and that this account is more natural considering the acts of judgment that are at the origin of propositions. I also present a possible way of understanding the notion of a possible state-of-affairs that takes care of the seemingly absurd case of necessarily false, but meaningful propositions.
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    The effects of instructions on scales for perceived egocentric distance in a large open field.José Aparecido Da Silva & Raquel Alves Dos Santos - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):189-192.
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    Entre Kierkegaard e Heidegger: uma reflexão sobre o sentido da angústia.Marcos André Webber & Suelen da Silva Webber - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):100-113.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central indicar alguns pontos de aproximação e distinção entre o sentido atribuído por Kierkegaard à angústia na obra O conceito de angústia, e o modo pelo qual Heidegger aborda tal conceito no âmbito da analítica existencial desenvolvida em Ser e tempo. Muito embora seja possível apontar inegáveis semelhanças no modo pelo qual os dois autores compreendem o fenômeno da angústia, algumas distinções podem ser feitas se analisados os contextos a partir dos quais os pensadores (...)
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    The many senses of completeness.Jairo da Silva - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):41-60.
    In this paper I study the variants of the notion of completeness Husserl pre-sented in “Ideen I” and two lectures he gave in Göttingen in 1901. Introduced primarily in connection with the problem of imaginary numbers, this notion found eventually a place in the answer Husserl provided for the philosophically more im-portant problem of the logico-epistemological foundation of formal knowledge in sci-ence. I also try to explain why Husserl said that there was an evident correlation between his and Hilbert’s notion (...)
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    Should Authors be Requested to Suggest Peer Reviewers?Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Aceil Al-Khatib - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):275-285.
    As part of a continuous process to explore the factors that might weaken or corrupt traditional peer review, in this paper, we query the ethics, fairness and validity of the request, by editors, of authors to suggest peer reviewers during the submission process. One of the reasons for the current crisis in science pertains to a loss in trust as a result of a flawed peer review which is by nature biased unless it is open peer review. As we indicate, (...)
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  25. Quilombos virtuais: as novas expressões de (re)territorialização, resistência, ativismo e empoderamento negro nas redes sociais.Cristiano Henrique dos Santos & Renata Nascimento da Silva - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 26 (1).
    O presente artigo busca analisar os processos, fluxos e refluxos, de desterritorialização e territorialização, no contexto da diáspora negra no Brasil. Através dos conceitos de quilombismo e comunidade, examinará as comunidades virtuais “Ponte para Pretx” e “Intelectuais Negras: escrita de si mesma” localizadas no Facebook, articulando ponderações e reflexões em torno dos processos de empoderamento negro, ativismo, solidariedade e resistência negra, nucleados na ideia de comunidade virtual. Desta maneira, através dos pressupostos da hermenêutica histórica, a pesquisa demonstrará de que maneira (...)
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    Efeitos agudos da técnica PEEP-ZEEP em pacientes traqueostomizados de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.Sabrina Cabreira Barreto, Luana Griep Scheunemann & Luciano Dondé da Silva - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):31-44.
    Introdução: A pressão expiratória final positiva-pressão expiratória final zero (PEEP-ZEEP) é uma técnica fisioterapêutica para desobstrução brônquica. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos agudos da PEEP-ZEEP comparada à hiperinsuflação manual (HM) em pacientes críticos traqueostomizados em relação à segurança e eficiência para higiene brônquica. Métodos: Indivíduos submetidos à ventilação mecânica invasiva por cânula de traqueostomia foram aleatorizados em dois grupos, um que recebia a técnica PEEP-ZEEP primeiramente, e outro que recebia HM. A coleta das variáveis cardiorrespiratórias foi realizada antes, 1 minuto e (...)
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    Agindo Por Desejo Ou Por Dever? A Moral Kantiana e a Ética da Psicanálise.Guilherme Santos Guterres & Isadora Baldi da Silva Pastore - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):268-282.
    Este artigo propõe uma reflexão crítica sobre a relação entre a noção de dever em Kant e a concepção de desejo na ética psicanalítica freudo-lacaniana. Kant fundamenta o dever moral na ideia de boa vontade, e na universalização da razão. Em contraste, na psicanálise freudolacaniana o senso de dever é moldado pela interação complexa entre desejos inconscientes, socialização e a busca pelo equilíbrio entre pulsões individuais e normas sociais. Concluímos que esta tensão intrínseca ao ser humano destaca a necessidade de (...)
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  28. Théorie de la valuation.Newton Ca da Costa & Jean-Yves Béziau - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 146 (146):95-117.
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    Optimizing peer review to minimize the risk of retracting COVID-19-related literature.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti & Panagiotis Tsigaris - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):21-26.
    Retractions of COVID-19 literature in both preprints and the peer-reviewed literature serve as a reminder that there are still challenging issues underlying the integrity of the biomedical literature. The risks to academia become larger when such retractions take place in high-ranking biomedical journals. In some cases, retractions result from unreliable or nonexistent data, an issue that could easily be avoided by having open data policies, but there have also been retractions due to oversight in peer review and editorial verification. As (...)
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  30. Space.Jairo da Silva - 2017 - In Jairo José da Silva (ed.), Mathematics and its Applications: A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  31. Mudhakkirāt fī mabādiʼ al-ʻulūm al-siyāsīyah.Ghālib ʻAlī Dāwūdī - 1964
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  32. The Palestinian national authority : the politics of writing and interpreting curricula. Genesis of a new curriculum / Nathan Brown ; A conflict of historical narratives.Seif Da'Na - 2007 - In Eleanor Abdella Doumato & Gregory Starrett (eds.), Teaching Islam: textbooks and religion in the Middle East. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
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    Tópicos sobre epistemo logia: Buscando o bom senso a través de Gramsci.Luiz Carlos Nascimento Da Rosa - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (26):91-103.
    This pa per de vel ops within the con text of an externalistic ap prox i ma tion to epis te mol ogy. It is an at tempt to re flect in a uni tary man ner on cat e go ries such as com mon sense, phi los o phy, ide ol ogy, prog ress, good judg ment, as well as a re flec tion on sci ence and it pro..
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  34. Turing tests for movement.Se da RosenbaumEngelbrecht - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):525-525.
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    A coerção emKant e Kelsen - um estudo preliminar.José Nicolau Heck - Sidney A. da Silva - 2000 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):95-118.
    A concepção Kantiana do direito e a teoria pura do direito de Kelsen se destacam pela racionalidade com que a respectiva posição normativa é concebida e articulada.A presente contribuição examina o peso teórico que a coercibilidade jurídica adquire em ambas as ciências do direito.O artigo objetiva estabelecer as fronteiras programáticas entre o formalismo jurídico dos dois filósofos do direito.
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  36. Numbers.Jairo da Silva - 2017 - In Jairo José da Silva (ed.), Mathematics and its Applications: A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    O Hegelianismo Visto por Peirce.Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira - 2004 - Cognitio 5 (1):84-99.
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  38. Science.Jairo da Silva - 2017 - In Jairo José da Silva (ed.), Mathematics and its Applications: A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The Axiom of Choice and the Partition Principle from Dialectica Categories.Samuel G. Da Silva - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The method of morphisms is a well-known application of Dialectica categories to set theory. In a previous work, Valeria de Paiva and the author have asked how much of the Axiom of Choice is needed in order to carry out the referred applications of such method. In this paper, we show that, when considered in their full generality, those applications of Dialectica categories give rise to equivalents of either the Axiom of Choice or Partition Principle —which is a consequence of (...)
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  40. Os bastidores de uma pesquisa em história da educação: a Faculdade Católica de Filosofia de Rio Grande/RS.Giane Lange do Amaral & Josiane Alves da Silveira - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2):166-182.
    O presente trabalho apresenta os bastidores de uma pesquisa realizada sobre a Faculdade Católica de Filosofia de Rio Grande (1960- 1969), cuja criação marcou o início dos cursos superiores voltados à formação docente na cidade. Para destacar sua história, recorre-se a diferentes fontes, como documentos institucionais, jornais locais e relatos orais, cuja utilização será aqui abordada. Nesse sentido, tem-se como base os caminhos abertos pela História Cultural as quais vêm propiciando a ampliação de problemas, objetos e temas de pesquisa histórica. (...)
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  41. Outlines of a System of Inductive Logic'.N. C. A. Da Costa - 1987 - Theoria 7:3-13.
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  42. Suppes predicates for classical physics.N. C. A. Da Costa & F. A. Doria - 1992 - In Javier Echeverría, Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann (eds.), The space of mathematics: philosophical, epistemological, and historical explorations. New York: W. de Gruyter.
  43. (1 other version)“Uma história heroica da modernidade”: comentários sobre O Eu impertinente de Josef Früchtl Parte III: O Eu híbrido, Nietzsche, Foucault e o filme de ficção científica.Carla Milani Damião, Edson Lenine G. Prado, Fernando Ferreira da Silva, Peterson S. Pessoa & Talita Trizoli - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (1):188-243.
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    The Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions Reloaded: Formalizing Contradictiory Powers in the Potential Realm.Newton C. A. da Costa & Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In [7] the authors of this paper argued in favor of the possibility to consider a Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions. We claimed that, even though most interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to escape contradictions, there are many hints -coming from present technical and experimental developments in QM- that indicate it could be worth while to engage in a research of this kind. Recently, Arenhart and Krause have raised several arguments against the PAQS [1, 2, 3]. In [11, 12] it (...)
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    Restricted gradient-descent algorithm for value-function approximation in reinforcement learning.André da Motta Salles Barreto & Charles W. Anderson - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (4-5):454-482.
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    (Dis)Entangling Darwin: Cross-Disciplinary Reflections on the Man and His Legacy.Sara Graça da Silva, Fátima Vieira & Jorge Miguel Bastos da Silva (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Charles Darwin's curiosity had a remarkable childlike enthusiasm driven by an almost compulsive appetite for a constant process of discovery, which he never satiated despite his many voyages. He would puzzle about the smallest things, from the wonders of barnacles to the different shapes, colours and textures of the beetles which he obsessively collected, from flowers and stems to birds, music and language, and would dedicate years to understanding the potential significance of everything he saw. Darwin's findings and theories relied (...)
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  47. Ensaios.Oswaldo Porchat de Assis Pereira da Silva, Gilbert Ryle, W. V. Quine, J. L. Austin & P. F. Strawson - 1975 - Victor Civita.
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    Machado de Assis's Philosopher or Dog?: From Serial to Book Form.Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva - 2010 - Legenda.
    Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Oxford, 2007.
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    O mistério do chamado: Questões sobre a formação do candidato ao presbiterado.Me João da Silva Mendonça - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (7):p - 15.
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    Senex, meretrix Y adulescens: Un triángulo amoroso de escenas plauto que corta las declamaciones de pseudo quintiliano Y calpurn plano.Jefferson Da Silva Pontes & Charlene Martins Miotti - 2018 - Argos 42:e0008.
    La retórica siempre ha mantenido estrechas relaciones con otros géneros literarios en la antigüedad. Con el teatro, en particular, sus relaciones inter y extratextuales son aún más evidentes. En este artículo, tenemos la intención de investigar este enfoque basado en tres personajes típicos de la nueva comedia romana: senex, adulescens y meretrix puestos en escena bajo las tramas de amor más irreverentes, responsables del entrelazamiento de estos personajes. Partimos de Excerptum 37 de Calpúrnio Flaco y Declamatio Minor 356 de Pseudo-Quintiliano, (...)
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